Quick Post: Ask Box

Hey guys. Just writing a quick post to let you all know that I know have an ask box/contact form on the homepage. You can find the link next to the About Me, its titled Got a question? Ask Away here’s a link to it in case you were wondering. I would love to answer any questions or just talk to you lot more! So don’t hesitate to drop a message 🙂

Liebster Award


Hi guys! I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award not once but two times these past two weeks! Although I have already done one these next two come with two different sets of questions so I thought hey why not answer them? The lovely people that have nominated me are Claribo and alittlepieceofbobbie go check their lovely blogs out if you haven’t already they are awesome at writing posts and they have great posts too :). This is the first time I have been nominated more than once and I am so thankful for you guys nominating and it just shows me that I must be doing something right with my blog 😀

Onto the rules:

1. Link the person who nominated you
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator
3. Nominate other bloggers who have less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer
5. Notify all nominees via their blogs/social media

Clarbio’s Questions:

1. What makes you smile?

many things from baby’s laughing to just people being nice to others for no absolute reason 🙂

2. What is your favourite quote?

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on” Robert Frost

3. Who is your favourite blogger?

My favourite blogger atm is Katienield

4. If you could only use one make up product, what would it be?

Concealer! there’s always something to conceal on my face 😛

5. What is the best way you relax?

Just in bed on my phone in my night clothes with nothing to do at all

6. What star sign are you?

I don’t believe in star signs but I am a Pisces 🙂

7. Do you believe in ghosts?

Urm not really?

8. What would be the first thing you would do/buy if you won the lottery?

A car/insurance and then help the family out with all the rest of it 🙂

9. Why did you start blogging?

because I thought it was interesting and fun to do

10. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?

too cold because you can just put the heater on and get into the duvet

11. Tea or coffee?

Tea over coffee any day!

Alittlepieceofbobbie’s Questions:

1. Favourite High end makeup product?

Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation

2. Favourite Low end makeup product?

Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer, it’s just a bargain

3. Thing you feel strongly about?

When people are treated unfairly and are not being treated equally as they should be.

4. Favourite thing about yourself?

Hmm I don’t have a favourite thing. I dont know? haha

5. Biggest goals and aspiration?

Just to be in a job that I enjoy doing and making good money in it too 😛

6. Favourite possession?

My mobile phone 😛

7. Favourite food?

I love a variety of foods so one is hard to pick!

8. What do you feel is more important makeup or skincare?

Skincare. Make up will only look good on a skin that is looked after 🙂

9. Dream destination?

Greece, America I could go on!

10. Best year of your life?

I don’t really have a best year but the last five years have been pretty good 🙂

11. What is your blogging goal?

No goal as of yet just to make sure that I enjoy doing it and writing  posts that other will enjoy reading too 🙂

Now onto the nominations!

I nominate:

My Questions for the nominees are:

  1. What made you start blogging?
  2. What sort of music do you like?
  3. How do you find the blogging world?
  4. Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?
  5. Healthy or junk?
  6. Where do you want your blog to go?
  7. What’s the big dream?
  8. What are your three must have items that you have to have in your bag?
  9. What was the most enjoyable memory of 2014?
  10. What things are you looking forward to in 2015?
  11. Have you accomplished any things of your bucket list?

And that’s a wrap! Let me know what your lots answers to the questions would be?

Sisterhood of the world Blogger Award Tag


Hey guys I was tagged by the lovely VogueInfatuation to do the sisterhood of the world blogger award. You should all go check out her blog because it’s awesome!

Now onto the rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
  • Put the Award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the ten questions sent to you.
  • Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer
  • Nominate seven blogs but I’m just going to nominate everyone that’s following me 🙂

Onto the questions:

  1. What’s three things on your bucketlist?
    1. Go to America
    2. Go to London for New Years
    3. Travel the world
  2. Craziest thing you’ve done? Not much, although quite a few crazy things have happened to me like the man wanting to hugging me with the excuse of ‘blessing’ me haha
  3. What’s one place you would love to visit? There’s two America and Mykonos, Greece
  4. Best thing you have accomplished? I haven’t accomplished much  so right at this moment it is my degree 😛
  5. Favourite item (clothings, jewellery, etc) I like my dresses and jeans
  6. Favourite food? Paninis! Chicken panini with extra chilli sauce with a side of chips and a can of Rubicon Mango 😛
  7. What made you start blogging? I just realised I like make up and thought I could write about it and let the whole world know 😛 Also I always read blogs for their reviews on products before I buy them and that just got me thinking hey, maybe I can do that 🙂
  8. Where do you hope your blog to be in five years? I hope for it to be more alive and filled with more posts and reviews and hopefully just for me to enjoy writing it and people to love reading it!
  9. Funniest moment you’ve had? There’s lots and lots of crazy memories with friends and family. Most recent one were when me and a friend were at a bus stop waiting for the bus and this random guy just started talking about world peace and wanting to give hugs!
  10. Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully with a graduate job and settled financially 🙂

Instead of making up ten questions I want all of you lot to answer the ten questions I answered above! I want to see all of your lots and if you did do the tag then definitely leave me a comment down below with the link!